Moccasin Musings
Fracking is a method of removing natural gas that is trapped inside shale rock. The current controversial process used, fracking, is to inject millions of litres of sand, water, and thousands of litres of toxic chemicals into the ground at high pressure, creating cracks that allow pockets of natural gas to be released.
Fracking is rapidly expanding in almost every province across Canada. Many people oppose fracking because of its high water use, its high carbon emissions, its impacts on human health, the disruption it causes to wildlife, and the danger it poses to groundwater and local drinking water by the toxins.
Widespread opposition has already led to a number of places such as Quebec and France instituting a moratorium and banning the practice.
There are proponents of fracking. They state that fracking provides a reliable, affordable, cleaner and responsibly produced energy: natural gas. Chevron states that developing these natural gas resources can "help enhance the country's energy security, strengthen the economy, and fuel job growth." An efficient energy source, natural gas is the "cleanest-burning conventional fuel", producing lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions than heavier hydrocarbon fuels such as coal and oil. Natural gas resources developed from shale rock have resulted in lower-priced natural gas for consumers, making it less expensive for people to heat their homes and generate electricity from natural gas.
However, what is the true cost of fracking and its production of natural gas?
It has been documented that the chemicals used (formaldehyde, boric acid, ethylene glycol, methanol, isopropanol, and diesel) form residues that leach into water supplies ( CBC documentary, "Burning Water"). Recovered chemicals are often stored in open pits and provide an additional hazard to people, live stock and local wildlife. Chemicals found in these open pits have been linked to health problems such as cancer and developmental disorders.
It takes millions of litres of water to recover natural gas from shale rocks. This demand depletes local water supplies. People and wildlife suffer beyond what is considered normal.
Moccasin Musings say "frack no more", the process presents a real danger to our health!
Gene Sanderson is owner, with his wife, Shirley, of Marie
Marie has been selling quality moccasins, mukluks and slippers
around the world since 2006.
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