Monday, 22 April 2013

Put on your moccasins for Earth Day

Moccasin Musings

On this day in history, April 22, 1970, the brainchild of Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, U.S.A. was launched - Earth Day!  Millions of Americans, including students from thousands of colleges and universities, participated in rallies, marches, and educational programs to put the environment on the political agenda. 
Earth Day is celebrated annually since, now a world wide event.  So, put on your moccasins and go out and celebrate Earth Day, be part of the nationwide demonstration of concern for our environment. It’s not too late to care.

Gene Sanderson is owner, with his wife, Shirley, of Marie Marie has been selling quality moccasins, mukluks and slippers around the world since 2006.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Moccasins Approach " Working Like A Beaver"...

Moccasin Musings
"There are many old-fashioned phrases or sayings, and many old wives tales that turn out to be true!  But, what do they look like?  On YouTube, this week, we watched a video of a family of beavers restoring their house of sticks.  Time was of the essence in this beaver family’s life.  The river ice had been merciless in pressing, and rubbing and crunching their little beaver house over the winter but spring was on the cusp and with it a reprieve from the elements was imminent in the form of Chinook winds.
Chinook winds blow up from the south and soften the intricately woven, but now frozen, sticks making up the beaver house.  When Mr. & Mrs. Beaver feel those winds a’ blowing they get to work.  Up out of their den they pop with a mouthful of sticks, sticks sharply pointed at either end.  They carry the sticks a short jaunt across the ice to their exposed house rooftop and immediately begin any repairs needed.
They know from inherent experience that time is short.  They know that the length of time Chinook winds blow, warming the rooftop and allowing repair work to take place, will be short lived.  Mr. & Mrs. Beaver stop abruptly but quickly acknowledge the cameraman and as instantly slough off his presence as a necessary evil and get to work prying and stuffing and jabbing their repair sticks into place.  They are videoed working incessantly and with engineering supremacy to get the job done.
This YouTube video gives meaning in real time to the phrase “working like a beaver” – if you know this, you know how to work!
See the whole story at

Gene Sanderson is owner, with his wife, Shirley, of Marie Marie has been selling quality moccasins, mukluks and slippers around the world since 2006.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Moccasin trail is now Broadway

Moccasin Musings

Trail ran from Manhattan, New York to Lake Erie!
During a tour of the city of New York it was commented that today’s famous Broadway was once an Indian trail that snaked through rocks and swamps along the length of Manhattan Island.  It was then called The Wickquasgeck Trail by colonists where notes record “seeing the Lenni Lenape (true people) passing every day”.  The trail continued on up through today’s Yonkers, to Tarrytown, and on to Albany where it joined the Mohawk (Iroquois) Trail.  The Mohawk Trail ran via River Valley, a natural route to the west from Albany to Lake Erie. 
The Dutch renamed the trail from Wickquasgeck (the Lenape clans that lived in the area) to Breede weg which translated to Broadway.  
Broadway is known worldwide as the heart of the American theatre industry.

Gene Sanderson is owner, with his wife, Shirley, of Marie Marie has been selling quality moccasins, mukluks and slippers around the world since 2006.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Moccasins, made in Halifax, sit quiet on this day

Moccasin Musings

April 15, 1912 – On this day, in history, the RMS Titanic, billed as unsinkable, sank into the icy waters of the North Atlantic killing 1,517 people.
On its first voyage, from Southampton, England to New York, the Titanic was carrying 2,206 people, including a crew of 898.  A relatively mild winter had produced a bumper crop of icebergs in the North Atlantic, but the crew, believing their ship was unsinkable, paid scant attention to warnings.
The night of April 14, 11:40 p.m., the Titanic was struck by an iceberg.  At 2:20 a.m. on the 15th, the Titanic sank. 705 people made it onto the lifeboats.  Molly Brown was one of these survivors.  A commoner from the Old West, made rich during the Gold Rush, was shunned by the blue bloods.  She gained everlasting fame for her actions during this tragedy.  She took command of the little lifeboat and helped rescue a drowning sailor and other victims. To keep spirits up, she regaled the anxious survivors with stories of her life in the Old West.
The harrowing ocean scenes for the movie “Titanic” were filmed off the shores of Halifax, Nova Scotia, the closest major seaport to the actual disaster.  100 victims of the Titanic rest in Halifax cemeteries.   Moccasins, made in Halifax, are quiet on this day.

Gene Sanderson is owner, with his wife, Shirley, of Marie Marie has been selling quality moccasins, mukluks and slippers around the world since 2006.